Module overview
Linked modules
Pre-requisites: SOES2003 AND (SOES2004 OR SOES2038)
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Be aware of the main methods by which these factors are measured/assessed in subsurface exploration.
- Be conversant with the main geological factors that control the formation and entrapment of hydrocarbon.
- Be able to integrate ideas, concepts and information from other courses with petroleum geology studies (e.g. seismic stratigraphy, wireline log analysis, sedimentary facies and models, biostratigraphic data, and structural information).
- Have a detailed knowledge of the geometry, mineralogy, chemistry and geological setting of important types of ore deposits.
- An ability to cross-fertilise ideas, concepts and information from parts of other units with petroleum geology studies (e.g. seismic facies, seismic stratigraphy, wireline log analysis, sedimentary environment models, etc.).
- Have a sound grasp of the more important factors governing the transport and precipitation of a wide range of metals and minerals by hydrothermal fluids.
- Fully understand the place of oil and gas in the world energy scene and to make informed judgements about future exploration.
- Familiarity with the profusion of literature that exists in the field of petroleum geology.
- Practical experience of interpreting well cores, cuttings, wireline logs, seismic and other data.
- An understanding of the key processes responsible for the generation of a wide range of mineral deposit types and the ability to apply that understanding to interpret the origin of new deposits in the field.
- An appreciation of the techniques used to investigate ore deposits in a research environment and an adequate understanding of exploration and resource-evaluation methodologies to commence a career in mineral exploration.
- Have a reasonable knowledge of the wide type of reservoirs and their architecture.
Laboratory work will involve the investigation of ore minerals from mining localities around the world.
The petroleum part of the course will focus on hydrocarbon source rock environments, source rock evaluation, migration, sedimentology and diagenesis of reservoirs, geological application of wire-line logs and seismic interpretation, petroleum exploration and hydrocarbon province case studies. The coursework will involve two major integrated projects involving hands-on experience with real industry data.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Formal Lectures: 22 x 45 minute lectures will provide an introduction to the theory underlying petroleum exploration and mineral resources, including hydrothermal fluids and mineralisation, mineralisation of arcs, stable cratons and sedimentary basins. Petroleum lectures will include lectures on hydrocarbon source rocks and hydrocarbon reservoirs and the Wessex, North Sea and West Africa Basins.
Practical sessions: laboratory work will exemplify theory and allow you to develop appropriate practical skills in data analysis and interpretation and detailed examination of hand specimens. Practical sessions on mineral resources will include ore microscopy. Practical sessions on petroleum geology will focus on source rocks and petroleum migration wireline logging and a seismic exercise based on the Beatrice field.
A wide range of support is available for those students who have further or specific learning and teaching needs.
Type | Hours |
Practical classes and workshops | 36 |
Independent Study | 92 |
Lecture | 22 |
Total study time | 150 |
Assessment strategy
Assessment Method
Theory examination (60%): A 2-hour written examination comprising two sections - one to assess the mineral resources component and one the petroleum geology. Tests Learning Outcomes 1-7.
Practical examination (40%): An assessed practical with two components: 1) a wireline logging or seismic exercise. (2) A polished thin section description and interpretation. Taken together the practical will address Learning Outcomes 1-7.
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Assessment | 40% |
Assessment | 60% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External