Research group

Paediatrics and Child Health - Clinical and Experimental Sciences

Young girl with a tube up her left nostril, blowing a party blower

We aim to improve the health of children and the adults that they will become through innovative research and education.

Part of Medicine

Child page cards

Related research institutes, centres and groups

Child and Adolescent Research Group

Our research focuses on the physical and mental health of Children and Adolescents.

Centre for Developmental Origins of Health and Disease

Our research characterises how the environment during human development contributes to risk of chronic disease, underpinning resilience to challenges in later life.

Clinical Neurosciences

Examining how clinical and environmental factors can affect brain development.

Human Genetics and Genomic Medicine

Our research is centred around understanding the mechanisms of disease, using contemporary techniques and bioinformatics to identify and understand the basis of human disease and translating this for patient benefit.


We explore pathogens causing infectious diseases of global importance. Our research involves understanding how pathogens interact with their hosts and using this information to develop new vaccines, antimicrobials and diagnostics.

NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre

The NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre takes new discoveries, treatments and technologies into the clinic, using unique tools, facilities and world-changing expertise.

NIHR Southampton Clinical Research Facility

The NIHR Southampton Clinical Research Facility is an extensive, dedicated space for early-stage clinical research located at Southampton General Hospital.

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