Paediatrics and Child Health - Clinical and Experimental Sciences About us Paediatric immunology and infectious diseases Paediatric ophthalmology Paediatric respiratory medicine Paediatric sleep medicine Perinatal and developmental neurology Our people Projects Publications Paediatrics and Child Health - Clinical and Experimental Sciences Our people Professor Brigitte Vollmer Prof of Perinatal and Dvlpmtal Neurology Accepting applications from PhD students Connect with Brigitte Email: Tel: +44 2381206678 ORCID Professor Catherine Hill BM MSc PhD FRCPCH Professor of Paediatric Sleep Medicine Connect with Catherine Email: Tel: +44 2381206091 ORCID Dr Chrissie Jones BMedSci, BMBS, FRCPCH, PgcertHBE, FHEA, PhD Assoc Prof Paeds Infection & Immunology Research interests Vaccination in pregnancy Infection risk reduction in pregnancy Congenital infections Accepting applications from PhD students Connect with Chrissie Email: Tel: +44 2381206159 Google Scholar ORCID Dr Claire Jackson Senior Research Fellow Accepting applications from PhD students Connect with Claire Email: Tel: +44 2381208798 ORCID HE Dr Hazel Evans Connect with Hazel Email: ORCID Dr Helena Lee Associate Professor Research interests Albinism Nystagmus Optical Coherence Tomography Accepting applications from PhD students Connect with Helena Email: Tel: +44 23 8059 9675 ORCID Dr James Self BM FRCOphth PhD Associate Professor Connect with James Email: Tel: +44 2381205049 ORCID JL Professor Jane Lucas MD, PhD, FRCPCH, FERS Professor of Paediatric Respiratory Med Connect with Jane Email: Tel: +44 2381206867 ORCID Professor Saul Faust MBBS, FRCPCH, PhD, FHEA, OBE Professor Paediatric Immunology & Infect Connect with Saul Email: Tel: +44 2381204989 ORCID