Courses / Modules / MUSI6035 Individual Research Project

Individual Research Project

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Richard Polfreman
Academic year

Module overview

In-depth study of a specific area in music analysis, history, theory, music technology or creative practice. The subject area of your research project is chosen in collaboration with the MMus Coordinator (within the range of topics for which the Department can provide expert supervision). The topic is negotiated individually between you and the tutor whose expertise most closely matches your interests (i.e. music analysis, history, creative practice, music technology) and is agreed by the end of the second week of the semester in which the module is taken and recorded on your module selection form (returned to the MMus Coordinator). Assessment is by means of a 4000 word essay (a project involving score based work could have a reduced word limit to be negotiated and agreed by week 2), or a creative based project or music technology project that is commensurate in scale. This module provides you with a short, highly supervised 'bite' of original research and encourages you to develop your own approach or method and to draw your own conclusions as appropriate. It can be used to replace a subject-specific module in each of the three MMus pathways (Musicology, Composition, Performance) if this is advisable in order to prepare you for your final work (dissertation, composition portfolio, professional recital).