Courses / Modules / IFYP0031 Introduction to Liberal Arts

Introduction to Liberal Arts

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 3
Module lead
Christian Lewis
Academic year

Module overview

The Liberal Arts module is an interdisciplinary, content-based module designed for International Foundation students taking Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Southampton. The aim is to introduce you to some of the techniques and academic skills required for undergraduate study, while building on the skills you will acquire in your other core modules; Academic English, Critical Thinking and Research Skills and Global Society. The Introduction to Liberal Arts module will examine the ways in which cultural phenomena, from art, literature, film and music, to technology and digital media influence how we see the world. You will be introduced to a range of creative genres and taught to ‘read’ a wide variety of written and visual ‘texts’ and cultural products in order to better understand how they reflect and influence contemporary human society.