Courses / Modules / HIST1175 Castles: Military technology and social change from the middle ages to the modern

Castles: Military technology and social change from the middle ages to the modern

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 4
Module lead
Nicholas Karn
Academic year

Module overview

The castle was one of the most characteristic creations and symbols of the middle ages. They were advanced military technology which supported a range of functions; they dominated populations and secured conquests; they were garrisons, centres of government and elite residences, among other functions. Within this module, you will examine how the castle developed in terms of functions and uses. Changing military technology formed perhaps the largest single influence on the development of the castle, and the module will include consideration of the development of siege technology, and especially of the evolution of artillery. Social change also influenced the development of the castle, for castles depended on the predominance of an aristocratic class itself subject to change. Finally, you will look at the end of the castle as a serious military asset, and how some of its functions and values survived even that.