Courses / Modules / CHEM3055 Magnetic Resonance

Magnetic Resonance

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Giuseppe Pileio
Academic year

Module overview

This module aims to develop an understanding of spin and magnetic resonance techniques at an introductory level. It is intended to prepare the students with fundamental and basic knowledge about the magnetic resonance spectrometer, data processing, the concept of spin, spin interactions and spin precession, all basics pieces of nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging.

This introductory-level course intersects well with the content of CHEM6124, which provides a more practical and chemically-oriented use of magnetic resonance and with the content of CHEM6154, which provides a more theoretical and application-oriented use of magnetic resonance instead.

A combination of lecture-based teaching, self-study, and problem-based learning will be used. Key concepts and tools will be presented in lectures, while regular workshops and informal self-study sessions will lead the students to applying them to real problems relevant to chemistry and to modern spectroscopic techniques such as magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging.