Courses / Modules / ARTD6149 Textile Design 2

Textile Design 2

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Georgina Williams
Academic year

Module overview

This module takes place during the second semester and is studio and workshop based.

In this module you are encourage to use your own research and design skills to start formulating your Self-initiated textile design ideas. You will work towards producing an individual body of work inspired by personally driven initiatives in preparation for the final major project. This module enables you to take part in the MA Interim Show to develop your own response to the challenges of putting up an exhibition in textile design.

You will be supported by weekly tutorial sessions in both Group and Individual format. These sessions include advancing your research for design, sketchbook and design development, colour and concept board development, peer review and portfolio building. You will continue to develop and advance your skills through individual and group tutorials, workshops and online resources.

The module is also supported with technical sessions to advance your printing techniques and expand CAD skills.

Optional study visits may be offered to visit practicing textile designers or a working Print Factory alongside various trips to London visiting galleries and exhibitions to extend your understanding of contemporary design.

In this module critical reviews with Industry based designers will provide feedback to help you to reflect on the development of your design ideas. This will assist your learning, developing your critical evaluation skills to help you situate your work in a professional context.