Advanced Photovoltaics, Fuel Cells and Batteries
This module aims to provide the understanding of solar cell operation, relevant optical structures, photovoltaic systems and advanced concepts for high efficiency and low cost. Charge carrier statistics and transport are discussed in detail with application to solar cells. Photochemical solar energy conversion is illustrated on the example of dye-sensitised solar cells. A discussion of photovoltaic systems includes module operation under realistic conditions and a stand-alone system sizing based on energy balance.
The module includes fundamentals of electrochemistry and characteristics of reversible and irreversible systems (ferricyanide/ferrocyanide) rotating disc electrode, reaction rate and mass transport, mechanism of the hydrogen evolution reaction, exchange current densities, characterisation of fuel cell electrodes; alkaline cero gap cells, water electrolysers for hydrogen production, metal-air batteries, alloys as Li-Ion battery anodes, alloy catalysts for oxygen reduction, phase stability in aqueous alloy systems and super capacitors.