Courses / Modules / MATH6188 Case Study 1

Case Study 1

When you'll study it
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Antony Overstall
Academic year

Module overview

MSc SAM/STATS Case Study 1 gives MSc SAM/STATS students the opportunity to conduct and gain experience of an in-depth open-ended statistical investigation. The main purpose is to develop students’ skills in: identifying, organising, and directing their own work; accessing and using relevant resources, such as library, internet and software resources; applying their statistical knowledge and understanding; and communicating their work, by writing a comprehensive report on the investigation and its outcomes. MSc SAM/STATS Case Study 1 provides a mean by which MSc SAM/STATS students demonstrate their capacity for independent learning.

Students will normally undertake MSc SAM/STATS Case Study 1 over a six-week period in the early summer (typically, mid-June until end-July). The topic for MSc SAM/STATS Case Study 1will be partially structured, but open-ended. The supervisor for a case study topic will introduce the topic with a 2-hour lecture during the first week. The remaining teaching hours will be made up of drop in sessions, where students can ask questions and find limited advice and support. Assessment will be by means of a report, of 25-30 pages in length, to be submitted at the end of the relevant six-week period.