Bookcase with reflection on glass cabinet
Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute

Influencing policy

Learn how we empower our academics to inform policymakers and connect stakeholders.

The Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute (SMMI) uses its members' expertise and strong connections to industry and government, to resource policy stakeholders with evidence-based insights to inform decision making.

Through our dedicated policy experts, in partnership with Public Policy|Southampton, we provide a gateway to marine and maritime research and expertise at the University of Southampton.

We provide tailored policy engagement support to our academic community and ensure that decision-makers have access to the latest research insights to address pressing societal challenges.

Learn about some of the ways we support our academics:

Policy engagement strategies

By integrating effective policy engagement strategies into research projects, we ensure that research initiatives are not only relevant but also have a real-world impact.

Calls for evidence

We regularly scan calls for evidence at local, national, and international levels, and match them with expertise within the SMMI community. We support our colleagues with translating their research insights into accessible responses to inform policymaking.

Stakeholder engagement

In engaging our extensive network of stakeholders in the marine and maritime sectors we facilitate meaningful dialogue and collaboration between academia, industry, and government.

Multi-stakeholder events

By exploring opportunities to showcase University of Southampton research at multi-stakeholder events we raise awareness and shape decision-making processes on critical issues.

Identifying research needs 

Our broad view of current research and understanding of policy priorities enables us to identify gaps in research areas that need addressing. We build partnerships with key policy stakeholders to enable evidence-based decision-making and drive positive change.


We support policymakers, industry stakeholders, and organisations in accessing research expertise and fostering impactful collaborations. 

Contact us

Discover how the SMMI can support your policy engagement efforts or facilitate access to research insights.

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