Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute

Supporting business

Discover how we can support your organisation through our facilities and academic expertise.

Marine and maritime services

We offer a range of services to support the local, national and international maritime economy.

We can provide facilities and expertise to help you in the following areas:

  • safety, risk and regulation
  • impact, culture and heritage
  • environment modelling and mapping
  • big data and cyber-security
  • vessel design and performance
  • tourism, ports and logistics
  • robotics and autonomous systems
  • energy and resources
  • materials, structures and testing

Facility and equipment hire

We have dozens of laboratories, testing facilities and other equipment available for commercial hire.

These include:

  • towing tank
  • coral reef laboratory
  • research vessels
  • wind tunnels
  • research aquarium
  • maritime robotics lab
  • testing and structures lab

Academic consultancy

Our academic experts are active in research across a wide range of disciplines.

We can offer help and advice in areas such as:

  • marine corrosion and erosion
  • maritime law, history and archaeology
  • propulsion materials

Knowledge transfer partnerships

A knowledge transfer partnership involves the placement of a high-quality graduate into your business, with the support of an academic expert and university facilities. This will help boost your business's profitability.

Costs are covered by up to 67% grant funding.

Contact us

Get in touch. We're happy to answer your questions.

Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute, Boldrewood Innovation Campus, Southampton, SO16 7QF