Researcher on boat preparing hydrophone for acoustic surveys of marine mammals in the Antartic
Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute

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Dr Yue Zhang

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Anaerobic digestion (AD) for organic waste management and renewable energy production, especially optimisation of digestion process e.g. via selective trace element supplementation, and manipulation of microbially-mediated pathways methanogenesis
  • Mixed-culture fermentation for bio-based chemical production with integration of downstream recovery processes, especially on selective carboxylic acid production from protein-rich wastes
  • CO2 biomethanisation, especially in-situ hydrogen addition new project to be created
Connect with Yue

Professor Zudi Lu

Chair in Statistics

Research interests

  • Nonlinear financial time series modeling and financial statistics / econometrics; 
  • Statistical inference and computation for nonlinear dynamic modeling with statistical (deep) learning, (causal) reasoning and prediction of spatial/temporal (tensor) data;
  • Applied temporal/spatial modeling for actuarial/financial, energy, environmental, climate  and green financial risks;

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Zudi