Institute of Developmental Sciences
Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Mark Lown, Elizabeth A. Miles, Helena L. Fisk, Kirsten A. Smith, Ingrid Muller, Emma Maund, Kirsty Rogers, Taeko Becque, Michael Moore, Paul Little, Beth Stuart, Natalie Thompson & Nick Francis,
2022, Frontiers in Immunology, 13
Type: article
Jane Cleal, Kirsten Poore & Rohan Lewis,
2022, Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 87
Type: article
Jean Claude Mutabazi, Mahmoud Werfalli, Angeli Rawat, Ezekiel Musa, Tawanda Chivese, Shane Norris, Katherine Murphy, Helen Trottier, Naomi Levitt & Christina Zarowsky,
2022, International Journal of Integrated Care, 22
DOI: 10.5334/ijic.5608
Type: article
Alastair van Heerden, Sefki Kolozali & Shane A. Norris,
2022, South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 36(3), 100-107
Type: article
Eleanor G. Seaby, N. Simon Thomas, Amy Webb, Helen Brittain, Ana Lisa Taylor Tavares, Diana Baralle, Heidi L. Rehm, Anne O’Donnell-Luria & Sarah Ennis,
Type: other