Assorted vegetables including onions, bell peppers, broccoli, and beetroot on a market stand.
Institute of Developmental Sciences

Advocacy and policy

Find out more about how we promote awareness of health and nutrition.

The best start to life

We promote awareness of health and nutrition in adolescents, young people and prospective parents. We lead and advise on work with:


We are active in the Nutrition Society, Association for Nutrition and All Party Parliamentary groups. We lead in ensuring trust in nutrition science, developing guidance for communication with the public, the media and industry. 

Bone regenerative medicine

We promote:

  • musculoskeletal regeneration across the lifecourse
  • informing patient care
  • national and global EU Research agenda
  • translational orthopaedic research agenda harnessing bone stem cells
  • innovative biocompatible scaffolds
  • new approaches to transform orthopaedic treatment

Genomics and epigenomics 

We are a leading member of the EU COST network on Congenital Imprinting disorders. Our centre initiated the first international consensus for Silver Russell syndrome. As part of the Rare disease European Endocrinology network, we established a Southampton Imprinting Growth clinic.

Reproductive medicine 

We lead on work with and advise:

  • UK Parliamentary committees
  • World Health Organisation
  • FIGO
  • Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
  • Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

We collaborate closely with patient advocacy groups. These groups offer invaluable perspectives in shaping our initiatives and helping us meet the diverse needs of individuals and families.