Cancer B-Cell Group
Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Zhenghao Chen, Helga Simon-Molas, Gaspard Cretenet, Beatriz Valle-Argos, Lindsay D. Smith, Francesco Forconi, Bauke V. Schomakers, Michel van Weeghel, Dean J. Bryant, Jaco A.C. van Bruggen, Fleur S. Peters, Jeffrey C. Rathmell, Gerritje J.W. van der Windt, Aron P. Kater, Graham Packham & Eric Eldering,
2022, Blood, 140(6), 630-643
Type: article
Joe Taylor, Sarah Wilmore, Sophie Marriot, Karly-Rai Rogers-Broadway, Rachel Fell, Annabel R. Minton, Tom Branch, Meg Ashton-Key, Mark Coldwell, Freda K. Stevenson, Francesco Forconi, Andrew J. Steele, Graham Packham & Alison Yeomans,
2022, Cellular Signalling, 94
Type: article
Annabel Rachel Minton, Lindsay D. Smith, Dean J. Bryant, Jonathan Strefford, Francesco Forconi, Freda Stevenson, David Tumbarello, Edd James, Geir Åge Løset, Ludvig A. Munthe, Andrew J. Steele & Graham Packham,
2022, Exploration of Targeted Anti-Tumor Therapy, 3(1), 37-49
Type: article
Francesco Forconi, Stuart Lanham & Giorgia Chiodin,
2022, Cancers, 28(3)
Type: article
Jack, Graham Fisher, Salim Khakoo, Mark Cragg, Francesco Forconi, Peter Johnson, Amber Doyle, christopher Walker, yosef landesman & Matthew Blunt,
2021, Frontiers in Oncology
Type: article