Schedule 2 Southampton Sport Rules and Regulations

Southampton Sport etiquette 1 August 2020

These rules and regulations are in place to ensure the health and safety of Southampton Sport staff and customers.

While using the facilities Members must act lawfully in line with the government advice on how sporting facilities can be used and as directed by Southampton Sport or any members of staff. Signage, direction aids and or any other instructions provided by Southampton Sport’s staff must be always followed to ensure the safety of Southampton Sport’s staff and other users of the facilities. 

Users of Southampton Sport facilities are advised to take reasonable care when navigating and using the facility, especially in Wet and dry areas. 

General rules of use

  1. Prior to using any facilities at Southampton Sport, the Member must complete a disclaimer form. If there are some answers that indicate the Member has a medical condition, Southampton Sport may require a doctor’s note. 
  2. The Member must advise Southampton Sport staff of any disability, including but not limited to blindness, deafness, heart condition and epilepsy, prior to using the Southampton Sport facilities. This will help us in seeking to avoid accidents, injuries or misadventures to the Member and others. 
  3. While using the facilities the Member accepts responsibility for their state of health and physical condition. The Member should not take part in any physical activity that the Member may not be fit for. If the Member suffers any unusual symptoms when using the facilities, the Member must immediately stop the activity and tell a member of Southampton Sport staff. 
  4. The Member must not use the facilities if they have an infectious disease or condition. 
  5. If the Member or any guest or child that is with the Member suffers an accident or injury on any of the Southampton Sport premises, it must be reported immediately to a Southampton Sport staff member on duty. First Aid Assistance can be summoned by contacting a member of Southampton Sport staff. If the Member is unable to find a member of staff the Member must contact the reception desk or activate any of the emergency alarms on the Southampton Sport premises for assistance. 
  6. If the Member needs to report any issues of health and safety or defects of equipment, the Member must do so by using the QR codes on posters around the Southampton Sport facilities OR contacting a member of Southampton Sport staff immediately.  
  7. Ensure that dedicated accessible areas are for intended users only.  
  8. All personal belongings must be put into the lockers provided. There will be a charge of £35 for lost locker keys. Lockers are emptied every night, with a charge of £5 per night (maximum £25) to collect belongings. 
  9. Anyone thought to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be asked to leave. 
  10. Violence or abusive behaviour towards Southampton Sport staff and/or facility users will not be tolerated and may result in termination of membership. All reasonable instructions by Southampton Sport staff should always be followed. Southampton Sport reserve the right to 

     (i) require any Member or other user to leave the Southampton Sport premises

     (ii) to refuse access to any Member or other user

    (iii) suspend and or terminate membership, if the member or other user behaves in an aggressive, disrespectful, or harassing manner towards Southampton Sport staff or other users.   

  11. The use of filming or photographic equipment is not permitted without prior written consent from Southampton Sport. 
  12. Southampton Sport membership cards must always be carried to gain access to the Southampton Sport facilities and must be presented for inspection on request by a member of Southampton Sport staff. Random card checks will be carried out and anyone without a valid membership or booking receipt will be asked to leave the Southampton Sport facilities.  Memberships are non-transferable and it is an offence to use another person’s University ID Membership Card. Misuse of a University ID Card will be reported to the University’s Security Services. 
  13. Facility users are asked to ensure that they vacate the building no more than 15 minutes after the scheduled closing time.  The facilities close at 10pm unless otherwise stated on the Southampton Sport Website. Entry to the facilities is not permitted after the closing time. 
  14. Smoking is not permitted in any of Southampton Sport facilities or immediately outside the buildings.  

Members or other users who fail to abide by these Southampton Sport Rules and Regulations will be subject to suspension of membership, may receive a fine and at the discretion of the Southampton Sport Management Team, and or may be permanently banned from using the Southampton Sport facilities.  

Pool rules

The following supervision rules cannot be applied in conjunction: 

  • 0 to 3 year olds must be accompanied in the pool with a ratio of 1 child per adult 
  • 4 to 7 year olds must be accompanied in the pool with a ratio of 2 children per adult
  • 8 to15 year olds must swim 25 meters unaided, a swim test is required. 

An adult must supervise from the reception viewing area. Weak or non-swimmers must be supervised by a competent adult in the pool. 

  • Swim wear must be worn when using the pool. Outdoor clothing and undergarments are not permitted. 
  • Glass bottles or objects and other hazardous objects are prohibited within the pool area or changing facilities. 
  • People who appear to be afflicted with cuts, communicable diseases, colds, fever, infection or other physical ailments are prohibited from entering the water. 
  • No spitting is permitted in the pool, pool surrounding, changing area or showers. 
  • All users must take a shower before entering the pool.  
  • No diving is permitted into the shallow area of the pool. 
  • No running, acrobatics or disruptive behaviour will be permitted.

Jubilee Swim Academy (JSA) 

  • Children aged 0 to 8 years must be accompanied by an adult at all times while in the building. Unaccompanied entry will not be permitted.
  • During swimming sessions, the parent or carer must remain within the building and be contactable throughout the duration of the lesson. It is expected that an adult will collect the child from the entrance to the poolside at the end of the session.
  • Children aged 9 to12 years may enter the facility and change unaccompanied, a parent or guardian must be present in the building and contactable at all times during the lesson. At the end of the lesson, the parent or guardian must collect the child. 
    Children aged 13 to 16 years may use the facilities unaccompanied, a parent or guardian must be contactable by phone throughout the lesson in case of emergencies.  
  • Children enrolled in JSA will have a swim pass added to their account. This allows use of the pool outside of lessons and within the term itself. Children will need to be checked in at Southampton Sport reception, taking into account supervision requirements.

Sports Hall and Activity Area rules 

  • Children must be supervised at all times whilst in Southampton Sport facilities. 
  • Suitable clothing must be worn at all times whilst taking part in any activity. Jeans and outdoor shoes are not permitted when using indoor facilities. 
  • Suitable clothing and footwear should be worn in the specific areas used. Damage to Southampton Sport facilities by wearing the incorrect clothing and footwear will be a breach of these Rules and Regulations. 
  • Spectators MUST use the balconies provided when watching indoor sports. No spectators are allowed around the pitch for indoor sport. Please stay behind pitch lines when viewing outdoor sport. 
  • No food can be consumed within the indoor facilities and drinks are permitted only in a closed container. At Southampton Sport outdoor facilities glass is not permitted on site and rubbish must be placed in bins. 
  • Please do not attempt to move or set up equipment unless you have prior permission from Southampton Sport staff. If you require assistance with equipment, please contact Southampton Sport Staff. 
  • Booking times are inclusive of any set up or take down of equipment. You must not stay past your booking time.  
  • Customers must hold a valid membership or pay the relevant guest fees. All charges apply to each player, not to the booking or activity. 
  • Members are only permitted to book one court per day for the same sport. Multiple bookings will be removed and may result in suspension of membership and or subsequent fines. 
  • If you are unable to attend a pre-allocated booking please notify Southampton Sport.  
  • Please be aware any sessions missed or failure to cancel 4 hours prior will result in a fine equal to Southampton Sport pay as you go rate. This will be added to the Member’s account. 
  • The Member is required to check in prior to a booked session by tapping their access card on the readers outside group exercise studios and squash courts to avoid incurring a fine equal to Southampton Sport pay as you go rate.   
  • Where classes, courts or pitches are included in the Member’s membership these must be cancelled at least 4 hours in advance.  A failure to do so incurs a charge of the pay as you go rate for that activity and suspension of membership until the charge has been paid.  Persistent offenders may receive a longer suspension and or permanent ban at the discretion of the Southampton Sport Management Team. 
  • Where classes, courts or pitches are not included in the Member’s membership these must be paid for at the time of booking. 

Watersport courses

The Member must hold a monthly rolling membership for 6 months to be eligible for the discount on Watersports courses and activities. The course can fall any time in that 6-month period. If the Member cancels before the 6 months is complete, the amount discounted from the course will be due immediately. 

Fitness Suite rules 

  • Any issues or defects with equipment should be reported to a member of the Southampton Sport team or via the QR code on posters around the centre. 
  • All users of the fitness suite must be aged 16 and over. Under 17s must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. 
  • Suitable sports clothes must be worn when within the fitness suite. Jeans, flipflops, dress shoes, walking boots and plimsolls are not allowed. Southampton Sport staff reserve the right to ask you to leave the gym if suitable clothing and footwear is not being adhered to. 
  • All gym equipment should be wiped down after use with the tissue and spray provided. 
  • Free weights must be replaced after use with barbells unloaded and disc weights racked. 
  • Please keep to a maximum of 20 minutes on cardiovascular equipment during busy periods. Consideration to other Members should be shown when using gym equipment. 
  • Use of your own equipment (Barbell Pads, Belts, Wrist Straps, Supports, Resistance Bands), holds you responsible for its correct application. Southampton Sport are not liable for any loss, damages or injury incurred. 
  • Personal Training and Fitness Inductions to other members or guests can only be conducted by Southampton Sport Health and Personal Trainers or Fitness Ambassadors.  Southampton Sport staff reserve the right to suspend any memberships of Members who are seen not to be adhering to this rule.  

University of Southampton students and staff 

  • Members who are students of the University of Southampton are bound by the University’s Regulations which include those governing disciplinary matters which may result in a sanction being imposed such as their membership being suspended or revoked.    
  • Members who are staff of the University of Southampton are subject to the University’s disciplinary procedures which may result in their membership being suspended or revoked.