Faculty outreach Our faculties and schools provide a variety of activities on and off campus. Faculties and schools Aerospace Our academics and students take part in a range of schemes and activities. Biological sciences We organise briefing days for teachers and careers advisers and talks in schools. Business school We encourage entry to higher education by sharing expertise with industry and others. Chemistry We develop links with schools and colleges to engage young people in chemistry and the physical sciences. Economics We run a ‘Dragonfly Day’ for Year 9 students to encourage women into the economics profession. Education Our initiatives range from projects with gypsy and traveller communities in the UK to women in school leadership in South Africa. Electronics and computer science We inspire young people to work in electronics and electrical engineering, computer science and IT. Engineering We provide briefing days for teachers and careers advisers and talks in schools and colleges. English Our outreach programme is designed to support studies at A-Level or college. Geography and environmental science We inspire children and young people to look at the world through varied techniques. Health sciences We offer a range of activities, including subject talks taster sessions, and campus visits. History We inspire the next generation of historians, provide support for teachers, and engage with the wider community. Law We provide campus tours, open days, taster events, Easter and summer school residentials and visits. Mathematical sciences Our activities include lectures at schools, competitions, and annual events to increase engagement with mathematics. Medicine An important part of our research is to build stronger relationships with schools, community, business, alumni and families. Modern languages and linguistics Our activities include a spelling bee, an able linguist day, a study day for Year 10, and a sixth form conference. Music We provide opportunities for music-making in the community and enable people to benefit from the therapeutic effects of music. Ocean and earth sciences The National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOCS) hosts resources, opportunities and information for schools, teachers and the general public. Philosophy Our activities focus on facilitating and guiding philosophical debate and reflection for those new to the subject. Physics and astronomy We are keen to help science teachers inspire their students and we deliver a wide-ranging programme. Psychology Our activities include expert talks, college link days, after-lunch breaks and the Young Scientist Scheme. Winchester School of Art We host a range of projects and events to inspire students to broaden their understanding of arts education. Institutes and centres Our research institutes and centres also take part in outreach activities. Parkes Institute We value the opportunity to share our work and expertise in Jewish Studies, and particularly Jewish/non-Jewish Relations, beyond the university environment. Confucius Institute We offer a wide range of programmes for primary and secondary school pupils including taster sessions, cultural workshops and after-school clubs. Southampton Theory Astrophysics and Gravity Research Centre We offer a wide-ranging outreach programme aimed at schools and the general public.