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, 1999 , New Scientist , 161 (2173)
Type: article
, 2019
Type: book
Ethan K. Gough,
Lawrence H. Moulton,
Kuda Mutasa,
Robert Ntozini,
Rebecca J. Stoltzfus,
Florence D. Majo,
Laura E. Smith,
Gordana Panic,
Natasa Giallourou,
Mark Jamell,
Peter Kosek,
Jean H. Humphrey,
Andrew J. Prendergast,
, 2020 , PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases , 14 (2) , 1--29
Type: article
Colette Shortt,
Oliver Hasselwander,
Alexandra Meynier,
Arjen Nauta,
Estefanía Noriega Fernández,
Peter Putz,
Ian Rowland,
Jessica Türk,
Joan Vermeiren,
& Jean-Michel Antoine
, 2018 , European Journal of Nutrition , 57 (1) , 25--49
Type: review
Matthew Hennessy,
, 2004 , Mathematical Structures in Computer Science , 14 (5) , 651--684
Type: article
, 2015 , Technology Innovation Management Review , 5 (7) , 41--49
Type: article
& A.C.W. Baas
, 2008 , Earth Surface Processes and Landforms , 33 (5) , 724--740
Type: article