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Susan Capalbo,
Caiwen Wu,
David Goldberg,
& Angela Slagle
, 2009 , Energy Procedia , 1 (1) , 2745--2752
Type: article
G. Copeland,
E.P.F. Lee,
W.K. Chow,
D.K.W. Mok,
& F.T. Chau
, 2010 , Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 114 (4) , 1816--1825
Type: article
Lance J. Dixon,
Claude Duhr,
& Jeffrey Pennington
, 2014 , Journal of High Energy Physics , 2014 (6) , 1--58
Type: article
Sini Savilaakso,
Claude Garcia,
John Garcia-Ulloa,
Jaboury Ghazoul,
Martha Groom,
Manuel R. Guariguata,
Yves Laumonier,
Robert Nasi,
Gillian Petrokofsky,
& Michal Zrust
, 2014 , Environmental Evidence , 3 (4)
Type: article
Jenny Lord,
Matthew S Lyon,
Adam Gunning,
Hugh Kelly,
Penelope Cibin,
Eleanor Seaby,
Kerry Spiers-Fitzgerald,
Jed Lye,
Sian Ellard,
N. Simon Thomas,
David Bunyan,
Andrew Douglas,
, 2020 , Genetics in Medicine , 22 (6) , 1005--1014
Type: article
D. Jain,
S. Alam,
P. Barua,
M.M. Núñez-Velázquez,
, 2015 , Optics Express , 23 (22) , 28282--28287
Type: article
P. Wang,
, 2007 , IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , 19 (5) , 300--302
Type: article
M.A. Clare,
M.E. Vardy,
M.J.B. Cartigny,
P.J. Talling,
M.D. Himsworth,
J.M. Harris,
R.J.S. Whitehouse,
& Mohammad Belal
, 2017 , Near Surface Geophysics , 15 (4) , 427--444
Type: article
, 1996 , Journal of Glacial Geology and Geomorphology , 1 (1) , 1--18
Type: article
Per T. Smiseth,
Patricia J. Moore,
& Allen J. Moore
, 2007 , The American Naturalist , 170 (5) , 709--718
Type: article