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Jian Yang,
Peng Si,
Zilei Wang,
Xiaofeng Jiang,
, 2018 , IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials , 66 (8) , 3455--3470
Type: article
D. Lim,
, 1999 , IEEE Transactions on Communications , 47 (8) , 1227--1232
Type: article
J. Glazier,
S.L. Greenwood,
E.J. Bennett,
A.A. Jackson,
C.P. Sibley,
, 2007 , Placenta , 28 (5-6) , 445--452
Type: article
Min Zhang,
Huayang Cai,
Jiawei He,
& Xuefei Mei
, 2018 , Continental Shelf Research , 153 , 30--49
Type: article
Mark S. Freedman,
& Edward J. Thompson
, 2011 , Annals of Neurology , 70 (1) , 183
Type: article
J. Lewis,
M. Ellegard,
A. Rochon,
P. Mudie,
, 2001 , European Journal of Phycology , 36 , 137--146
Type: article
I.R. Bristow
, 2005 , The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds , 4 (2) , 72--73
Type: article
L. Margulis,
D. Sagan,
, 2005 , Kosmos (April) , 23--25
Type: article