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Erkin Seker,
Ling Huang,
Matthew R. Begley,
Hilary Bart-Smith,
Robert G. Kelly,
Giovanni Zangari,
Michael L. Reed,
, 2007 , MRS Proceedings , 1052
Type: article
D.J. Hurley,
B. Arbab-Zavar,
, 2007
Type: conference
Judith Schleicher,
Marije Schaafsma,
& Bhaskar Vira
, 2018 , Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability , 34 , 43--47
Type: review
Christopher Frohmaier,
Kate Maguire,
& Peter E. Nugent
, 2018 , The Astrophysical Journal , 858 (50)
Type: article
A. Mead,
J.T. Carlton,
C.L. Griffiths,
& M. Rius
, 2011 , Biological Invasions , 13 (9) , 1991--2008
Type: article
Marc Rius,
Xavier Turon,
& Marta Pascual
, 2008 , Molecular Ecology Resources , 8 (6) , 1405--1407
Type: article
G.P. Mendes,
M.R.R. de Planque,
S.L. Grage,
R. Berry,
& A. Watts
, 2005 , Febs Journal , 272 , 342--342
Type: article
Anthony Postle,
Ahilanandan Dushianthan,
Rebecca Cusack,
, 2018 , Journal of Lipid Research
Type: article
Dan Bader,
Piotr Laszczak,
Jianliang Gao,
Michael Mcgrath,
David Moser,
Saeed Zahedi,
Joe McCarthy,
& Richard Bradbury
, 2015
Type: conference