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Nita Muir,
, 2019 , Higher Education Skills and Work Based Learning
Type: article
V. Papanastassiou,
R. Rampling,
M. Fraser,
R. Petty,
D. Hadley,
R. Mabbs,
& M. Brown
, 2002 , Gene Therapy , 9 (6) , 398--406
Type: article
Edward Mawji,
Martha Gledhill,
Glen A. Tarran,
Simon Ussher,
Anu Thompson,
George A. Wolff,
Paul J. Worsfold,
& Eric P. Achterberg
, 2008 , Environmental Science & Technology , 42 (3) , 8675--8680
Type: article
& M. Conrad
, 1997
Type: conference
Ding Li Yong,
Lan Qie,
Navjot S. Sodhi,
Lian Pin Koh,
Tien Ming Lee,
Haw Chuan Lim,
& Susan L.-H. Lim
, 2011 , Journal of Tropical Ecology , 27 (1) , 1--14
Type: article
Sheila Turner,
Helen Smith,
A. Arscott,
C. Hawke,
J.A. Lowes,
M.A. Mullee,
K. Rumsby,
D. Turner,
G. Warner,
, 2009 , British Journal of General Practice , 59 (564) , e219--e225
Type: article
Pantelis P. Analytis,
Amit Kothiyal,
, 2014 , Judgement and Decision Making , 9 (5) , 403--419
Type: article
Anmol Madan,
Daniel Gatica-Perez,
& Alex Pentland
, 2011
Type: conference
Lorna J. Otway,
& Angela C. Rowe
, 2016 , Clinical Psychological Science , 4 (3) , 433--450
Type: article
G.K. Westbrook,
K.A. Weitemeyer,
M.C. Sinha,
B.K. Goswami,
& B. Marsset
, 2012 , EOS: Transactions American Geophysical Union , 93 (42) , 413--414
Type: article