Research project

Silicon Photonics for low energy internet


Lead researchers
Other researchers

Professor Frederic Gardes PhD

Connect with Frederic

Professor David Thomson

Professorial Fellow-Research
Connect with David

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Zecen Zhang, Geok Ing Ng, Ting Hu, Haodong Qiu, X. Guo, Wanjun Wang, Mohamed Said Rouifed, Chongyang Liu, Jiaxu Xia, Jin Zhou, Callum G. Littlejohns, Graham T. Reed & Hong Wang, 2018, IEEE Photonics Journal, 1-8
Type: article
Kapil Debnath, David Thomson, Weiwei Zhang, Ali Khokhar, Callum Littlejohns, James Byers, Lorenzo Mastronardi, Muhammad K. Husain, Frederic Gardes, Graham Reed & Shinichi Saito, 2018
Type: conference
Kapil Debnath, Marco Clementi, Thalía Domínguez Bucio, Ali Khokhar, Moise Sotto, Katarzyna M. Grabska, Daniele Bajoni, Matteo Galli, Shinichi Saito & Frederic Y. Gardes, 2017, Optics Express, 25(22), 27334-27340
Type: article
Kapil Debnath, Ali Z. Khokhar, Graham T. Reed & Shinichi Saito, 2017, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29
Type: article