Project overview
RiftVolc is built around a NERC funded large grant which aims to research past, present and future volcanic and seismic activity in different sectors of the East African rift system. The project also draws on several NERC funded PhD studentships (SPITFIRE and INSPIRE). Project partners include the BGS, the Universities of Edinburgh, Bristol, Oxford, Cambridge, Leeds, Imperial, Florence, Pisa, Strasbourg, Sorbonne, Addis Ababa, the Geological Survey of Ethiopia, and Reykjavik Geothermal.
The team at the University of Southampton primarily focus on using passive seismology, structural geology, volcanology, and geochemistry to understand tectonics, magmatic, and hydrothermal processes during extension.
The team at the University of Southampton primarily focus on using passive seismology, structural geology, volcanology, and geochemistry to understand tectonics, magmatic, and hydrothermal processes during extension.
Lead researchers
Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups
Research outputs
J.O.S. Hammond, J.M. Kendall, J. Wookey, G.W. Stuart, D. Keir & A. Ayele,
2014, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(5), 1878-1894
DOI: 10.1002/2013GC005185
Type: article
R.S.M. De Plaen, I.D. Bastow, E.L. Chambers, D. Keir, R.J. Gallacher & J. Keane,
2014, Journal of Geophysical Research, 119(5), 4233-4252
DOI: 10.1002/2013JB010583
Type: article
Francesco Maccaferri, Eleonora Rivalta, Derek Keir & Valerio Acocella,
2014, Nature Geoscience, 7, 297-300
DOI: 10.1038/NGEO2110
Type: article
K.A. Daniels, I.D. Bastow, D. Keir, R.S.J. Sparks & T. Menand,
2014, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 385, 145-153
Type: article