Research project

Prof I M McHardy PPARC High Energy Astro


Other researchers

Emeritus Professor Malcolm Coe FRAS, FHEA, FRCS

Research interests

  • His PhD involved participating in the construction of the UK's first  space-based X-ray telescope and, subsequently, analyzing data from that instrument.
  • At NASA, and since, he worked with other space-based telescopes to investigate the Universe at extreme temperatures and gravities, exploring the boundaries of Einstein's theory of General Relativity.
  • Since then he has also been a frequent user of international ground-based telescopes.
Connect with Malcolm

Professor Christian Knigge

Professor of Astrophysics

Research interests

  • accretion phenomena and associated outflows
  • cataclysmic variables
  • close binaries
Connect with Christian

Research outputs

2007, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 378(2), 549-656
Type: article
S. McGlynn, D.J. Clark, A.J. Dean, L. Hanlon, S. McBreen, D.R. Willis, A.J. Bird, S. Foley & B. McBreen, 2007, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 466(3), 895-904
Type: article
I. McHardy, E. Koerding, C. Knigge, P. Uttley & R.P. Fender, 2006, Nature, 444(7120), 730-732
Type: article