Research project

M Solan - A hierarchical approach to the examination of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem flows across coastal margins


Lead researchers

Professor Martin Solan

Professor of Marine Ecology

Research interests

  • Biodiversity ecosystem function bioturbation benthic ecology
Connect with Martin
Other researchers

Professor Jasmin Godbold


Research interests

  • Changes in seafloor biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
  • Effect of human activities and environmental change on species-environment interactions 
  • Trait-expression in benthic invertebrates
Connect with Jasmin

Research outputs

Elena M. Bennett, Martin Solan, Reinette Biggs, Timon McPhearson, Albert V. Norström, Per Olsson, Laura Pereira, Garry D. Peterson, Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne, Frank Biermann, Stephen R. Carpenter, Erle C. Ellis, Tanja Hichert, Victor Galaz, Myanna Lahsen, Manjana Milkoreit, Berta Martin López, Kimberly A. Nicholas, Rika Preiser, Gaia Vince, Joost M. Vervoort & Jianchu Xu, 2016, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 14(8), 441-448
Type: article
Georgina M. Mace, Belinda Reyers, Rob Alkemade, Reinette Biggs, F. Stuart Chapin, Sarah E. Cornell, Sandra Díaz, Simon Jennings, Paul Leadley, Peter J. Mumby, Andy Purvis, Robert J. Scholes, Alistair W.R. Seddon, Martin Solan, Will Steffen & Guy Woodward, 2014, Global Environmental Change, 28, 289-297
Type: article