Research project

Hanson RG/15/17/31749 Epigenetic Biomarkers and Determinants of Cardiovascular Risk in Children


Lead researchers
Other researchers

Professor Cyrus Cooper

Prof Rheumatology Clinical Epidemiology

Research interests

  • Key research contributions have been:
  • discovery of the developmental influences which contribute to the risk of osteoporosis and hip fracture in late adulthood
  • demonstration that maternal vitamin D insufficiency is associated with sub-optimal bone mineral accrual in childhood
Connect with Cyrus

Professor Keith Godfrey

Associate Dean Enterprise
Connect with Keith

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Shu-E. Soh, Anne Goh, Oon Hoe Teoh, Keith M. Godfrey, Peter D. Gluckman, Lynette Pei-Chi Shek & Yap-Seng Chong, 2018, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(5)
Type: article
T.P. Fleming, A. Watkins, M.A. Velazquez, J. C. Mathers, A.M. Prentice, J. Stephenson, Mary Barker, R. Saffery, Chittaranjan S. Yajnik, Judith Eckert, Mark Hanson, T. Forrester, Peter D. Gluckman & Keith Godfrey, 2018, The Lancet, 391(10132), 1842–1852
Type: article
Nicole M. Warrington, Rebecca Richmond, Bjarke Feenstra, Ronny Myhre, Romy Gaillard, Lavinia Paternoster, Carol A. Wang, Robin N Beaumont, Shikta Das, Mario Murcia, Sheila Barton, Ana Espinosa, Elisabeth Thiering, Mustafa Atalay, Niina Pitkänen, Ioanna Ntalla, Anna E Jonsson, Rachel M. Freathy, Ville Karhunen, Carla M.T. Tiesler, Catherine Allard, Andrew Crawford, Susan M. Ring, Mads Melbye, Per Magnus, Fernando Rivadeneira, Line Skotte, Torben Hansen, Julie Marsh, Mònica Guxens, John Holloway, Harald Grallert, Vincent W.V. Jaddoe, William L Lowe, Theano Roumeliotaki, Andrew T. Hattersley, Virpi Lindi, Katja Pahkala, Kalliope Panoutsopoulou, Marie Standl, Claudia Flexeder, Luigi Bouchard, Ellen Aagaard Nohr, Loreto Santa Marina, Manolis Kogevinas, Harri Niinikoski, George Dedoussis, Joachim Heinrich, Rebecca M. Reynolds, Timo A. Lakka, Eleftheria Zeggini, Olli T. Raitakari, Leda Chatzi, Hazel Inskip, Mariona Bustamante, Marie-France Hivert, Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin, Thorkild I.A. Sørensen, Craig Pennell, Janine F. Felix, Bo Jacobsson, Frank Geller, David M. Evans & Debbie A. Lawlor, 2018, International Journal of Obesity, 42(4), 775-784
Type: article
Anna Fogel, Keri McCrickerd, Lisa Fries, Ai Ting Goh, Phaik Ling Quah, Mei Jun Chan, Jia Ying Toh, Yap-Seng Chong, Kok Hian Tan, Fabian Yap, Lynette P. Shek, Michael J. Meaney, Birit F.P. Broekman, Yung Sueng Lee, Keith M. Godfrey, Mary F.F. Chong & Ciaran G. Forde, 2018, Physiology & Behavior
Type: article