Research project

Fibres & Pulse Combination


Lead researchers

Professor Johan Nilsson

Professor of Optoelectronics
Connect with Johan

Other researchers

Professor Jayanta Sahu

Professorial Fellow-Research
Connect with Jayanta

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Krzysztof, Pawel Herdzik, Konstantinos Bourdakos, Peter Johnson, Adam, Paul Lister, Aleksandra, Paulina Pitera, Chun-Yu Guo, Peter Horak, David Richardson, Jonathan Price & Sumeet Mahajan, 2020, Applied Physics B, 126(5)
Type: article
Huaiqin Lin, Yujun Feng, Jonathan Price & Johan Nilsson, 2019, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 31(20), 1662-1665
Type: article