Southampton Health Technology Assessments Centre (SHTAC) Research themes Our people Technology Assessment Reviews for NICE Training Introduction to Systematic Reviews in Health Course Introduction to Health Economics Evaluation Services Projects Publications Southampton Health Technology Assessments Centre (SHTAC) Projects Find out what research we're carrying out now and search past projects. CAtCH-Falls - Community alternatives to acute hospitalisation for older people who have fallen Cost-effective multi-cancer early detection by measuring patient plasma amino acid cross sections with the Enlighten test ELECTRA (intraoperativE eLECtron radioTherapy in Rectal cAncer): A single-blinded feasibility study of intraoperative electron beam radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced or locally recurrent rectal cancer ATTACK - Aspirin To Target Arterial Events in Chronic Kidney Disease (FAIR) FLAGELLIN AEROSOL THERAPY AS AN IMMUNOMODULATORY ADJUNCT TO THE ANTIBIOTIC TREATMENT OF DRUG-RESISTANT BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA Mapping and evidence synthesis for assistive technologies to support adults living at home with long-term continence or toilet-use problems Novel Techniques of Hand SonoSurgery Production of Technology Assessment Reviews (TARs) for the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) 2022-2027 A Randomised controlled trial of a duodenal sleeve bypass device (Endobarrier) compared with standard medical therapy for the management of obese subjects with type 2 diabetes Catheter Ablation Versus Thoracoscopic Surgical Ablation in Treating Long Standing Persistent Atrial Fibrillation (CASA-AF) Pagination 1 2 Next page Next