Southampton High Energy Physics group


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Rikard Enberg, William Klemm, Stefano Moretti & Shoaib Munir, 2019, European Physical Journal C, 79(6), 1-12
Type: article
Stephen F. King & Ye Ling Zhou, 2019, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(5)
Type: article
Stephen F. King & Elena Perdomo, 2019, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(5), 1-18
Type: article
Josu Hernandez-Garcia & Stephen F. King, 2019, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(5)
Type: article
Ivo De Medeiros Varzielas & Stephen F. King, 2019, Physical Review D, 99(9), 1-11
Type: article