Southampton High Energy Physics group

Outreach and collaboration


The SHEP group has for many years hosted annual Particle Physics Masterclasses. These day long events highlight some of the latest developments in Particle Physics research. Sixth-form physics students and their teachers get to experience the excitement of research in this fundamental field. They provide the opportunity to relate A-level physics to fundamental research and provide valuable access to practical experience and enthusiastic practitioners. 

Join our Particle Physics Masterclasses and follow future events.


NExT Institute 

The NExT Institute was created in 2006 by the High Energy Physics (SHEP) group at the School of Physics & Astronomy of University of Southampton and the Particle Physics Division (PPD) at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL). It is now part of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)


The South East Physics Network. We are a network of nine universities in the South East of England, working together to deliver excellence in physics.  


The Southampton Theory Astrophysics and Gravity (STAG) Research Centre brings together three research groups with world-leading expertise on issues relating to fundamental physics and astronomy. 


We work with the UKQCD collaboration of seven British universities with the US-based Riken-Brookhaven-Columbia (RBC) Collaboration and the KEK group in Japan, exploiting the DiRAC IBM BlueGene/Q 1.26 Pflop/s supercomputer.