Cancer B-Cell Group


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Zadie Davis, Francesco Forconi, Anton Parker, Anne Gardiner, Peter Thomas, Daniel Catovsky, Matthew Rose-Zerilli, Jonathan Strefford & David Oscier, 2016, British Journal of Haematology, 1-10
Type: article
Alison Yeomans, Stephen M. Thirdborough, Beatriz Valle-Argos, Adam Linley, Sergey Krysov, Marina Sanchez Hidalgo, Elodie Leonard, Muhammad Ishfaq, Simon D. Wagner, Anne E. Willis, Andrew Steele, Freda Stevenson, Francesco Forconi, Mark J. Coldwell & Graham Packham, 2016, Blood, 127(4), 449-457
Type: article
M. Larrayoz, S.J. Blakemore, R.C. Dobson, M.D. Blunt, M.J.J. Rose-Zerilli, R. Walewska, A. Duncombe, D. Oscier, K. Koide, F. Forconi, G. Packham, M. Yoshida, M.S. Cragg, J.C. Strefford & A.J. Steele, 2015, Leukemia, 30, 351-360
Type: article
Marina Parry, Matthew J. Rose-Zerilli, Viktor Ljungstrom, Jane Gibson, Jun Wang, Renata Walewska, Helen Parker, A Parker, Zadie David, Anne Gardiner, Neil McIver-Brown, Christina Kalpadakis, Aliki Xochelli, Achilles Anagnostopoulos, Claudia Fazi, David Gonzalez de Castro, Claire Dearden, Guy Pratt, Richard Rosenquist, Margaret Ashton-Key, Francesco Forconi, Andrew R. Collins, Paolo Ghia, Estella Matutes, Gerassimos Pangalis, Kostas Stamatopoulos, David G. Oscier & Jonathan C. Strefford, 2015, Clinical Cancer Research, 21(18), 4174-4183
Type: article
Francesco Forconi & Paul Moss, 2015, Blood, 126(5), 573-581
Type: article