Marine Biology and Ecology


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Thomas Otto Whitehead, Dominic Paul Rollinson & Ryan Rudolf Reisinger, 2014, Marine Biodiversity, 45(4), 873-876
Type: article
T. McIntyre, H. Bornemann, P.J. Nico de Bruyn, R.R. Reisinger, D. Steinhage, M.E.I. Márquez, M.N. Bester & J. Plötz, 2014, Polar Research, 33(2014)
Type: article
Ryan R. Reisinger, W. Chris Oosthuizen, Guillaume Péron, Dawn Cory Toussaint, Russel D. Andrews & P. J.Nico De Bruyn, 2014, PLoS ONE, 9(11)
Type: article
Lauren E. Nadler, Deborah C. McNeill, Magdy A. Alwany & David M. Bailey, 2014, Environmental Biology of Fishes, 97(11), 1265-1277
Type: article
W.M. Graham, Stefan Gelcich, Kelly L. Robinson, Carlos Duarte, Lucas Brotz, Jennifer E. Purcell, Laurence P. Madin, Hermes Mianzan, Kelly R Sutherland, Shin-Ichi Uye, Kylie A. Pitt, Catherine Lucas, Molly Bogeberg, Richard D. Brodeur & Robert. H. Condon, 2014, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 12(9), 515-523
Type: article