Research group

Landscape Dynamics and Ecology

Hill sides

We use multi-proxy environmental data, and model past and present environments to further our understanding of environmental change.


Our research often involves the application of new methodological approaches that integrate high-resolution field and laboratory data acquisition with numerical and physical modelling.

Our main research priorities include:

  • geomorphic processes in aeolian, coastal, fluvial and shallow marine, glacial and periglacial environments
  • changes in environmental systems in response to climate change, in fluvial, glacial and coastal environments
  • the effects of extreme events on society, including catchment management, flooding, coastal changes and ecosystem responses
  • reconstructing climate change during the quaternary (Europe, the Americas, Arctic and South Pacific
  • understanding the process, timing and forcing of human migration into the tropical South Pacific
  • exploring what makes small islands vulnerable to multiple hazards

Research highlights

People, projects and publications


Dr Ash Abrook

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Climate variability (long and short term)
  • Abrupt climate and environmental change
  • Palaeoecology
Connect with Ash

Dr Ben Pears

Research Fellow
Connect with Ben

Dr Christopher Tomsett

Snr Envirnment Sensing Technician (E/R)

Research interests

  • Chris has a background in developing sensor systems and monitoring routines for investingating the interactions between vegetation and flow within river systems. More recent research has investigated using machine learning methods to imporve our understanding of sediment delivery across the worlds largests rivers. As a result, he has a wide variety of skills ranging from data aqusition and processing, through to machine learning and modelling techniques.
  • He has worked on a wide variety of projects for research and commercial purposes, operating in a range of environments from catchment managament through to the coastal zone, making use of autnomous surveying systems such as UAVs and USVs, as well as terrestrial data collection. 
Connect with Christopher

Professor David Sear

Connect with David

Dr Eli Lazarus

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • coastal and fluvial dynamics
  • geomorphology
  • human-environmental coupled systems

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Eli

Dr Hal Voepel PhD, MS, BSE, BS

Senior Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Hydrological and sediment processes in watersheds and rivers
  • Contaminant transport throughout hydrologic systems
  • Water and sediment impact on human development
Connect with Hal

Professor Jane Hart

Professor of Geography

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Jane

Dr Jo Nield

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Dune Processes
  • Salt pan dynamics
  • Dust emissive surfaces

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Jo

Professor Julian Leyland


Research interests

  • Fluvial and Intertidal Geomorphology
  • Remote Environmental Sensing
  • UAVs, USVs and Autonomy in Geoscience

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Julian

Dr Kate Parks

Principal Teaching Fellow
Connect with Kate
My research is centred on large-scale hydrology and its interactions with climate variability and change.