Research group

Landscape Dynamics and Ecology

Hill sides

We use multi-proxy environmental data, and model past and present environments to further our understanding of environmental change.


Our research often involves the application of new methodological approaches that integrate high-resolution field and laboratory data acquisition with numerical and physical modelling.

Our main research priorities include:

  • geomorphic processes in aeolian, coastal, fluvial and shallow marine, glacial and periglacial environments
  • changes in environmental systems in response to climate change, in fluvial, glacial and coastal environments
  • the effects of extreme events on society, including catchment management, flooding, coastal changes and ecosystem responses
  • reconstructing climate change during the quaternary (Europe, the Americas, Arctic and South Pacific
  • understanding the process, timing and forcing of human migration into the tropical South Pacific
  • exploring what makes small islands vulnerable to multiple hazards

Research highlights

People, projects and publications


Dr Zoë Thomas


Research interests

  • Earth System tipping points
  • Atmospheric circulation shifts
  • Quaternary environmental and climate change

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Zoë
My research is centred on large-scale hydrology and its interactions with climate variability and change.