Powder and materials x-ray diffraction facility

More Information

About the Powder and materials x-ray diffraction facility

The powder and materials diffraction facility offers a range of capabilities from simple phase identification through to complex materials analysis.

Available techniques include: 

  • X-Ray reflectivity for film thickness measurements,  
  • low angle diffraction for mesopore characterisation
  • grazing incidence diffraction for thin film characterisation,  
  • measurement of engineered samples such as steel and coated surfaces,
  • phase identification of clays and minerals,
  • characterisation of ceramics,
  • percentage crystallinity of polymers,
  • reciprocal lattice mapping for epitaxial systems,  
  • pole figure measurement for texture analysis,  
  • residual stress determination,
  • high temperature measurements (up to 1000°C) in vacuum or inert atmospheres,
  • in-plane diffraction and microdiffraction (50 microns) for sample mapping,
  • capillary measurements for air sensitive samples. 

The Rigaku SmartLab thin film and materials X-ray diffractometer is a highly versatile, high-resolution instrument.

The facility operates as an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council small research facility and can be included on grant applications. 

It also offers a contract service for external users upon discussion with the facility manager via nC2 Engineering Consultancy.

Technical specification

Rigaku SmartLab

  • 9 kilowatt (45 kilovolt - 200 milliampere) copper (Cu) rotating anode source
  • 5-axis goniometer (including in-plane arm)
  • switchable beam profile (Bragg-Brentano, parallel beam, line or point focus)
  • Ge(220) 2-bounce monochromator option K-alpha 1
  • switchable sample stages: rotation around axes, xy, microdiffraction
  • 2d hybrid pixel detector
  • Anton Paar Domed heating stage (25 - 1000°C with vacuum or inert atmosphere).

Bruker D2Phaser

  • 300 Watt (30kV - 10mA) Cu tube
  • theta-theta goniometer
  • Ni K-beta filter (detector side)
  • primary and secondary axial Soller slits (2.5 degrees)
  • various fixed divergence slits - 0.6 millimetres (mm), 0.2mm, 0.05mm
  • 1mm anti-scatter-screen
  • Detector: 1D LYNXEYE with a 5-degree window. 

Contact us

Contact us

For more information, please contact us using the email addresses below

Dr Mark Light, an X-ray diffraction and scattering specialist

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, Southampton, SO17 1BJ 
Opening hours: 09:00 – 17:00

nC² Engineering Consultancy

nC² Engineering Consultancy, Building 15a, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ

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