Emeritus Professor Michael Moore

Emeritus Professor Michael Moore

Connect with Michael


Professor Michael Moore is Professor of Primary Health Care Research within Medicine at the University of Southampton. He is an academic GP with more than 30 years' experience in a Salisbury practice.

He is part of the School of Primary Care and Population Sciences and Medical Education based within the Faculty of Medicine.

Michael's research interests include the optimal management of acute minor illness with a focus on antibiotic sparing strategies. He was the RCGP National Clinical Champion for Antimicrobial Stewardship 2012-15 and currently serves on the government advisory board for antibiotics (APRHAI). He is a member of NAMRIP, the University’s Network for Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Prevention strategic research group.

Other research interests include depression management, obesity, alcohol and liver disease.

Antibiotic resistance is a major public health threat. Tackling antibiotic overuse is a priority area for research.

Links to projects

4S sore throat study

Chinese Herbal medicine to aid AnTibiotic use reduction in exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (CHAT COPD)

A digital behaviour change intervention to help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak: A rapid co-design, implementation and evaluation project. (GERMDEFENCE)

OPEN Project Out of hours prescribing

Reducing common infections in usual practice for recurrent respiratory tract infections: The RECUR Programme

VENUS Study – Developing a new approach to managing care home residents with possible urinary tract infection 

STREAM - Screen and TREAt for Malnutrition

Patient-reported outcome measures for monitoring primary care patients with depression: PROMDEP randomised controlled trial

REDUCE (REviewing long term anti-Depressant Use by Careful monitoring in Everyday practice)