A team workshop with people gathering around a large screen

How we work

The clue is in the name! We're the Digital User Experience team. Everything we do puts users first.

User-centred design

Our work is guided by users from the outset and throughout.

  • New projects begin with a discovery phase in which we explore the problem with users and stakeholders.
  • We conduct user research to determine users' needs.
  • We move into alpha to test hypotheses and early designs.
  • When we have confidence that our design approach will work we continue to test and iterate through beta and live.

Read about our approach to design challenges in our blog.


We take an agile approach to delivering projects and business as usual work.

For us, agile is more than stand ups and sprints. It's how we think about the work, and how we come together across disciplines to do the best job possible.

In practice this means we:

  • work in small multidisciplinary teams organised around particular areas of focus
  • start at the point where user needs and business objectives overlap
  • prioritise users over systems and processes
  • understand the problem before starting to design
  • work to a 'design, test, iterate, deliver' cycle

Fun and supportive team

One of the most common things our team members say is how friendly and supportive the team is.

Taking a user-centred approach in a large and complex organisation comes with its challenges. Making sure everyone in the team feels supported and empowered is one of our primary goals.

We also love a get-together - virtual or in real life. Throughout the pandemic we ran lots of online team gatherings and games. Now we're moving into a hybrid working model, we have team lunches, collaborative workshops and huddles so we're always improving how we work together.

Our team members in disguise as part of a virtual murder mystery game
Some of our team acting out a murder mystery game during lockdown.