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N.R. Shadbolt,
& D.C. De Roure
, 2004 , ACM Transactions on Information Systems , 22 (1) , 54--88
Type: article
Peter Cheng,
James Cupt,
& Nigel Shadbolt
, 2001 , International Journal of Human-Computer Studies , 54 (4) , 457--94
Type: article
E. Atmatzakis,
A. Tsiatmas,
V. Fedotov,
B. Luk'yanchuk,
F.J. García de Abajo,
, 2013
Type: conference
Anna Redding,
George Johnson,
, 2017 , Community Mental Health Journal
Type: article
Dzintra Stalmeisters,
& Michael Townend
, 2017
Type: book
Daniel Prieto-Alhambra,
M. Kassim Javaid,
Joe Maskell,
Andrew Judge,
Michael Nevitt,
& Nigel K. Arden
, 2011 , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases , 70 (1) , 134--138
Type: article
Daniel B.S. Soh,
& Anatoly B. Grudinin
, 2006 , Journal of the Optical Society of America B , 23 (1) , 1--9
Type: article
A. Passamonti,
B. Haskell,
, 2009 , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 396 (2) , 951--963
Type: article
Gabrielle D. Allen,
Kostas D. Kokkotas,
Pablo Laguna,
Jorge A. Pullin,
& Johannes Ruoff
, 1999 , Physical Review D , 60 , 104021--[9pp]
Type: article