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Raul A. Sperotto,
Felipe K. Ricachenevsky,
Marta W. Vasconcelos,
& Paloma K. Menguer
, 2014 , Frontiers in Plant Science , 5 (438) , 1--3
Type: article
M. Maragkou,
A. J. D. Grundy,
T. Ostatnicky,
& P. G. Lagoudakis
, 2010 , Applied Physics Letters , 97 (11)
Type: article
, 2019 , European Management Review , 16 (4) , 1015--1041
Type: article
Stephen Grace,
Michael Whitton,
Sara Gould,
& Rachael Kotarski
, 2015
Type: report
Liz Morrell,
James Buchanan,
Laurence S.J. Roope,
Koen B. Pouwels,
Christopher C. Butler,
Benedict Hayhoe,
Sarah Tonkin-Crine,
Monsey McLeod,
Julie V. Robotham,
A. Sarah Walker,
Sarah Wordsworth,
, 2020 , Antibiotics , 9 (9) , 1--19
Type: article
Artjoms Ivlevs,
, 2018 , Journal of Vocational Behavior , 105 , 131--146
Type: article
Thamer Alathari,
& George Bebis
, 2013
Type: conference
Mohammad Belal,
Max Carey,
Jack, Cameron Saywell,
David, Emanuel Elcock,
& Susannah, Courtney Jones
, 2017
Type: conference
Sarah Tonkin-Crine,
Fliss Murtagh,
Ken Farrington,
Fergus Caskey,
Hugh Rayner,
& Paul Roderick
, 2015 , British Journal of General Practice
Type: article