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Nicola, Elizabeth Courtier,
& Jamie M. Foster
, 2018 , Applied Mathematical Modelling , 63 , 329--348
Type: article
E. Guerrieri,
W. Powell,
R. Rao,
& F. Pennacchio
, 2002 , Journal of Chemical Ecology , 28 (9) , 1703--1715
Type: article
M.J. Wooster,
& E. Lagoudakis
, 2009 , Biogeosciences , 6 (5) , 849--866
Type: article
Kieran Griffiths,
Julia Mayans,
Michael A. Shipman,
Barry A. Blight,
Albert Escuer,
& George E. Kostakis
, 2017 , Crystal Growth & Design , 17 (4) , 1524--1538
Type: article
Jamie Burrell,
Marcus K. Dymond,
Richard Gillams,
Duncan Parker,
Ana Labrador,
Tommy Nylander,
, 2017 , Langmuir , 33 , 12804--12813
Type: article
Yothin Chimupala,
Robert Simpson,
Robert Mitchell,
Richard Douthwaite,
Steven J. Milne,
& Richard D. Brydson
, 2014 , RSC Advances , 4 (89) , 48507--48515
Type: article
Matthew Curtner-Smith,
Gary Kinchin,
Peter Hastie,
Jamie Brunsdon,
& Oleg Sinelnikov
, 2020 , Journal of Teaching in Physical Education , 40 (2) , 312–321
Type: article
Norhazlina Hamid,
, 2015 , Open Journal of Cloud Computing (OJCC) , 2 (1) , 1--12
Type: article