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D.C.P. Peacock,
W.M. Anderson,
A. Rotevatn,
& E. Tavarnelli
, 2017 , Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research , 341 , 1--5
Type: article
D.O. Culverhouse,
T.A. Birks,
& P.St.J. Russell
, 1995 , Optics Letters , 20 (23) , 2381--2383
Type: article
N.G.R. Broderick,
D. Taverner,
, 1998
Type: conference
David Monk,
Thomas Eggermann,
Eamonn R Maher,
& Andrea Riccio
, 2019 , Nature Reviews Genetics , 20 (4) , 235--248
Type: article
B Haskell,
& L Samuelsson
, 2007 , Physical Review Letters , 99 (231101)
Type: article
Morgane Pigeaux,
Romain Laporte,
Jérôme Baudoux,
& Jacques Rouden
, 2016 , Tetrahedron Letters , 57 (41) , 4599--4603
Type: article