Research project

UK Silicon Photonics *CLOSED*

  • Research funder:
  • Status:
    Not active

Research outputs

David Thomson, F.Y. Gardes, D.C. Cox, J-M. Fedeli, G.Z. Mashanovich & G.T. Reed, 2013, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 30(2), 445-449
Type: article
Christian Reimer, Miloš Nedeljković, David J.M. Stothard, Matthieu O.S. Esnault, Christopher Reardon, Liam O'Faolain, Malcolm Dunn, Goran Z. Mashanovich & Thomas F. Krauss, 2012, Optics Express, 20(28), 29361-29368
Type: article
Milan Milošević, Miloš Nedeljković, Taha M. Ben Masaud, Ehsan Jaberansary, Harold M.H. Chong, Neil G. Emerson, Graham T. Reed & Goran Z. Mashanovich, 2012, Applied Physics Letters, 101(12), 1-4
Type: article
David Thomson, Frederic Y. Gardes, Jean-Marc Fedeli, Sanja Zlatanović, Youfang Hu, Bill Ping Piu Kuo, Evgeny Myslivets, Nikola Alic, Stojan Radic, Goran Z. Mashanovich & Graham T. Reed, 2012, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24(4), 234-236
Type: article
G.Z. Mashanovich, M. Nedeljković, Milan Milošević, M. Sorel, T.F. Krauss, A.C. Peacock, H.M.H. Chong & G.T. Reed, 2012
Type: conference