Research project

The Ideas Informed Society

Project overview

The aim of this co-produced project is to better understand how people engage with evidence in order to make decisions in their daily lives, be those big or small decisions.

We want to understand what sources people look to for information, and how those sources, as well as other factors in their lives, affect their views and decision making. Democratic societies thrive when citizens actively and critically engage with new ideas, developments and claims to truth so engaging with the best available evidence and using it to make decisions is crucial.

What we want to explore with this project is how close we are to this type of situation and what might be done to improve it – by both academia and publishers.


Other researchers

Ms Ruth Luzmore

Research Fellow
Research interests
  • School Leadership
  • Professional Development of teachers
  • Ideas Informed Society
Connect with Ruth

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs