Research project

SI2-CHE: Development and Deployment of Chemical Software for Advanced Potential Energy Surfaces - Essex/Skylaris - EPSRC


Lead researchers

Professor Jonathan Essex

Connect with Jonathan

Other researchers

Professor Chris Skylaris

Professor of Computational Chemistry

Research interests

  • Development of large-scale electronic structure methods, based on Density Functional Theory within the ONETEP program (
  • Development of atomistic and multiscale simulation methods for materials using quantum and classical methods, and machine-learned potentials
  • Application of these simulation methods to discover advanced materials in technologically relevant problems such as batteries, hydrogen fuel cells and drud optimisation
Connect with Chris

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Yuezhi Mao, Yihan Shao, Jacek Dziedzic, Chris-Kriton Skylaris, Teresa Head-Gordon & Martin Head-Gordon, 2017, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 13(5), 1963-1979
Type: article
Gabriele Boschetto, Hong-Tao Xue, Jacek Dziedzic, Michal Krompiec & Chris-Kriton Skylaris, 2017, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 1-10
Type: article
Christopher Cave-Ayland, Chris Skylaris & Jonathan Essex, 2016, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 1-10
Type: article
Noor Mohamed, Richard Bradshaw & Jonathan Essex, 2016, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 37(32), 2749-2758
Type: article
Narbe Mardirossian, Luis Ruiz Pestana, James C. Womack, Chris-Kriton Skylaris, Teresa Head-Gordon & Martin Head-Gordon, 2016, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017(8), 35-40
Type: article