Research project

N Garcia-Araez - FunRedox EPSRC Fellowship


Lead researchers

Professor Nuria Garcia-Araez


Research interests

  • Batteries
Connect with Nuria

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Rinaldo Raccichini, Liam Furness, James Dibden, John R. Owen & Nuria Garcia-Araez, 2018, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 165(11), 2741-2749
Type: article
Thomas Homewood, Nuria Garcia-Araez, John R. Owen, James Frith, Vivek Padmanabhan, Dino Tonti & Nieves Casañ-Pastor, 2018, Chemical Communications, 1-6
Type: article
Min Zhang, Nuria Garcia-Araez & Andrew L. Hector, 2018, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 14483-14517
Type: review