Project overview AI for multiple long-term conditions Staff Lead researchers Professor Simon Fraser BM MSc DM FFPH MRCGP FHEA DRCOG DCH Professor Research interests Healthcare public health Kidney disease Multimorbidity Connect with Simon Email: Professor Nisreen A Alwan MBE, MBChB, MRCP, FFPH, MPH, MSc, PhD, FHEA, PGCAP Professor of Public Health Research interests Public Health Lifecourse Epidemiology Long Covid Connect with Nisreen A Email: Other researchers Dr Nic Fair PhD Senior Enterprise Fellow Connect with Nic Email: Professor Michael Boniface CEng, FIET Professorial Fellow in Information Techn Research interests Artifical intelligence for health systems Human centred interactive systems Federated systems management Connect with Michael Email: Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups Digital Health and Biomedical Engineering Our group brings together engineers and computer scientists to discover new approaches to diagnose and manage health and medical conditions. Population Health Sciences We research prevention of disease, reduction of health inequalities and optimisation of health and wellbeing for whole populations across the lifecourse, in the UK and internationally. Research outputs