Research project

Integrated Geospatial Frameworks: Online course development

Project overview

The geospatial sector is a large and complex area and although there is ample technical and data related training available as face-to-face and online learning the wider aspects of the geospatial activity, which cover governance, people and skills is less well addressed.

GeoData Institute's work in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC) has promoted the development of an online modular course that supports training in these wider topics. We are using the UN GGIM International Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) as the basis for structuring the modules with the ambition to provide open access course that will support capacity development in LMICs and is equally relevant to the UK sector and the framing of Southampton Geospatial activities.


Lead researchers

Professor Chris Hill

Professorial Fellow-Enterprise
Connect with Chris

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs