Research centre

Southampton Geospatial

Two researchers stare intently at a screen with geographic information, one pointing to a specific area

We create data to show you as a business leader or public servant what's happening at any location you work in. Whether you want to know when potential customers will come, or if your decisions are improving a local environment, we can help.

The team works with nations and agencies globally across disciplines from biological science to engineering to strengthen evidence to inform action. Our experts develop data collection technologies and produce blueprints for building datasets so you can benefit from the insights that geospatial data offers.

Child page cards

Research highlights

Targeting childhood vaccines globally

WorldPop, a research group led by Professor Andy Tatem, is revolutionising global health efforts by enabling governments to vaccinate children who were previously unreachable.

Expanding the use of satellite data to provide real-world benefits

The University is leading research into remote sensing to improve food security, population mapping and disaster response.

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